泰國水產業災情概況泰國持續暴雨洪水肆虐,導致國內有近三分之一地區及曼谷部分市區災情慘重,所幸罐頭廠及相關冷藏設備所在地未受水患波及。3座鮪罐出口港中就有2處淹水需關閉數周,出口受阻的鮪罐生產商及有預期心理大量囤貨的有心人反因水患大賺一筆。泰國總理呼籲曼谷居民支票借款作好洪水恐在首都停滯幾週甚至月餘之久的心理準備。商業部常務秘書長表示泰國政府為防止囤積食物,啟動優先讓食品飲料(飲用水、魚罐頭、蛋、牛奶、鮮蔬及泡麵)、耗材、濾水器三大類商品於一周內「快速通關」機制。泰國第二大超市Big C Supercenter指出,來自馬來西亞的水、九份民宿中國的鮮蔬及水果、越南魚罐頭都已準備好運往泰國,但是進口商品依目的地及食品藥物管理局批准通關後仍須花費1-3天才能運抵曼谷,顯見不是缺貨而是機制出了問題。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 20/2011,1 November 2011) Thailand: Reportedly tuna canneries in 澎湖民宿Bangkok have not been affected by the enormous floods in the capital. Although parts of the city have been flooded and almost a third of the country is suffering from the floods, the areas where canneries and cold storages are located have been spared so 貸款far. The problem is more on the logistics that can slowdown export in the coming weeks. Two out of the three ports in the area, which are used for loading export containers of canned tuna, have been shut down. Meanwhile, canned tuna producers may benefit 21世紀房屋仲介from the floods domestically as Thais have been stocking up on canned food including canned seafood, in anticipation of the calamity. Thai Prime Minister has warned Bangkok residents that the floods will stay in the capital for few weeks up to one month. 土地買賣To prevent food shortage the government has also begun operating the "fast track" lane for imports with the target of getting imported products into the country's markets within one week. The permanent secretary of the Commerce Ministry said the 節能燈具priority was to allow the imports of three groups of products: food and beverages that includes drinking water, canned fish, eggs, milk, fresh vegetables and instant noodles; consumer goods; and water filters. The current shortage was not because of 網路行銷supply shortfalls, but logistics related problems. Big C Supercenter, the country's second-largest hypermarket said imported goods would take one to three days to reach Bangkok, depending on the destinations, after Food and Drug Administration 關鍵字廣告approval. The company said that water from Malaysia plus fresh vegetables and fruits from China and canned fish from Vietnam were ready to be shippped to Thailand.

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